'Unearthing I' (2021)
Resin, concrete, digital fragments from iCloud, text messages, Facebook messages, iPhoto, Apple Notes app
19cm x 27cm x 12cm

'Unearthing II' (2021)
Resin, concrete, digital fragments from iCloud, text messages, Facebook messages, iPhoto, Apple Notes app
32cm x 19cm x 9cm

'Unearthing III' (2021)
Resin, concrete, digital fragments from iCloud, text messages, Facebook messages, iPhoto, Apple Notes app
36cm x 25cm x 10cm
'Unearthing’ is a series of resin objects that catalogue iCloud archives and notes from my iPhone, translated into physical objects cast for eternity as “digital fossils". ‘Unearthing’ began with the question, ‘what would a future archaeologist find if they were unearthing the traces of my digital identity?’. This series investigates the materiality of data and information, translating the virtual into the physical. The works recontextualise this data into physical objects to remind audiences of the tangibility of our digital information that is often forgotten, which data centres and Internet hardware gives the illusion of digital space existing ‘up in the Cloud’ but in reality, it occupies significant amounts of physical space, hardware, and energy consumption. This work also poses questions about how we curate and construct our online identities on social media, contrasted to the archived information of ourselves stored in our iPhones that we choose to keep private.
Photography: Campbell Henderson