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Touchscreen V (2022) 

Ink-jet print, lenticular lens, power-coated steel

69cm x 45cm

Photography: Campbell Henderson

Touchscreen II (2022) 

Ink-jet print, lenticular lens, power-coated steel

Front and side view

Photography: Dean Quilin Li

Touchscreens (2022) 

Installation view, Annandale Galleries

Photography: Campbell Henderson

‘Touchscreens' is a series of works exploring the intimate relationship our bodies have to digital screens. Phones and computers are always at our fingertips; carried in our pockets, positioned next to us while we sleep, held in our hands while we are typing, texting, scrolling, and swiping. They go through life with us like phantom limbs of the digital age. The source of these works came from moments of ‘pocket dialling’ – when my iPhone would open apps and make inputs on its own accord as it brushed against my body while inside my pocket. These inputs were captured and processed with digital painting techniques into an abstraction made in correspondence with the body. The two compositions have been merged into a two-sided lenticular print that is activated by the body in space. The lenticular commands the viewer to consider the dance between the physical and the digital that we are consistently navigating in our current reality. These works reflect on the interconnection between humans and technology in the digital age and the role our bodies play in anchoring us between what is tangible and what is virtual.​


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